July 16th, 2021

‘How do you use Joiin?’ Q&A with INC

In our new case study Q&A series asking ‘how do you use Joiin?’, we’re talking to Suellen Holmes of INC (International Network of Churches), a religious organisation of churches, schools, charities and child care centres, based in Australia.

Joiin and INC Q&A case study

Can you tell us a little about INC and where you’re based?

International Network of Churches is a religious organisation with churches, schools, charities and child care centres. There are approximately 150 individual files to consolidate. For financial reporting purposes we are Australia only, represented in each state and territory.

What are the main challenges you face around reporting and consolidation?

INC is decentralised with its financial management and reporting on many levels, with a variety of accounting software platforms and chart of accounts that are relevant for the local oversight and financial administration.  The ERP required for a child care is different to a school or a church. Therefore, this has meant our consolidation process has been very cumbersome.

How long have you been using Joiin and how does your company use it? 

We have only used Joiin since January 2021 and has been utilised for the end of year financial reporting purposes to prepare accounts for the group audit and reporting to ACNC.

“Joiin nicely sits over the top of the variety of options to pull through the data we need. The development team are responsive and forever improving which is greatly appreciated.”

What’s your favourite feature?

Mapping to a standard chart of accounts for custom reports.

What advice would you give to someone who is looking to implement a new reporting system?

Joiin nicely sits over the top of the variety of options to pull through the data we need. The flexibility for both csv and direct links has been the answer to achieving a workable solution.  The development team are responsive and forever improving which is greatly appreciated.


Suellen Holmes is INC’s Chief Financial Officer – get in touch or find out more about them here.


About our ‘How do you use Joiin?” series

We’re running a new series of Q&A blogs introducing you to some of our customers and talking to them about their business and how they use Joiin to streamline consolidated financial reporting.

Many of our clients searched the market for financial consolidation and reporting software and found Joiin. We’re delighted they’re now with us. Across our clients, Joiin now drives all sorts of work, such as Xero reporting, Quickbooks consolidations and Sage group consolidations. More power to you!

To find out more about Joiin and how much time we can save you every month, you can get in touch with us at hello@joiin.co

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