June 7th, 2021

How to toggle between different budget views

In another bite-sized how-to, we share a video and introduce our new column and compact view of budgets, and the feature that enables you to toggle between the two.

Toggle for a column or compact view of budgets in Joiin

Toggling between different budget views

Many of our users wanted to be able to view budgets and forecasts in a column view, more inline with common reporting practices.

You asked, and we listened.

We now have a new feature that allows you to toggle between a column view of your budgets and a default compact budget view. The above video explains the new feature, but we also run through everything in this blog below.

The new feature is a really simple addition to our platform. In budgets, simply click the ‘compact view’ toggle on and off to switch between the two views. Below shows this in action:

Animated GIF showing how to toggle between a column and compact view in Joiin

How and when to toggle between different budget views

Column view

Use the column view when you want a clear, detailed view of group finances, showing four columns: actuals, budget, variance and variance percentage.

This view is ideal when you are looking at short time periods or a limited number of entities, requiring a concise view of your data.

To view, simply turn off the ‘Compact view’ toggle.

Column view of budgets in Joiin

Compact view

Use the compact view when you are after a high level overview of your finances spanning multiple periods or multiple entities all on one screen, at the same time.

In this view, your budget data will be displayed below your actuals, giving additional screen space horizontally so that more data can be displayed.

To view, simply switch on the ‘Compact view’ toggle.

Compact view of budgets in Joiin

Let’s talk about budgeting in Joiin

Joiin allows you to automatically import Xero and Quickbooks Online budgets, which can then be presented within consolidated financial reports.

But don’t worry, if you are using Sage or you’ve created your own budgets in Excel or use any other accounting platform, we’ve got you covered…

Using our CSV template import feature, you can prepare a single entity or consolidated group level budget that can be uploaded directly into Joiin.

You can also link your budgets to Xero Tracking Categories or Quickbooks Classes.

Once you have your budgets in Joiin, you can display them in your consolidated financial reports, or attach them to charts. We even have a feature to show your positive outcomes in green and your negative outcomes in red.

Want to know more? Watch our on-demand demo, or register for a webinar where you will discover how to get the best out of Joiin.

Also, we’re always keen to hear new ideas from our customers. Ask us about upcoming developments or let us know what would make Joiin better for you.

The chances are, with any suggestion you make, someone else will also want it too.

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