November 24th, 2020

New Features for November 2020

We’ve been working hard on your requests and are excited to update you on the latest Joiin features from Custom Report Charts to FX Improvements – included in every plan for the same low monthly price.

New features from Joiin in November 2020

Custom Report Charts

Custom Reports has just become even more powerful – now you can add charts to your custom reports. Choose from Bar, Line or Donut chart and select Groups or Formulas as the chart data series and you can quickly add a visual representation of your data.  Combine this with group hiding and you can have a custom report which is purely visual.

Charts are a simple and effective way to condense large amounts of information into an easy to understand form.



FX Trial Balance – Single Column

A popular request, you now have the option to view the Trial Balance report in a single column view rather than with separate Debit and Credit columns.


Sales by Customer Sorting

You can now sort and filter the columns on the Sales by Customer report. This helps you to easily find Customers with the top sales.

FX Improvements

P&L Monthly Conversion
An important update relating to foreign currency conversion. To ensure data integrity, the conversion of accounts in the P&L report is now performed on a month-by-month basis, regardless of the length of period selected.  This ensures report totals match up when run with different period filters.

 FX BS Adjustments
Foreign Currency exchange adjustments are now added automatically to ensure that the Balance Sheet balances and the P&L and Balance Sheet tie up.


Elimination Management 

You now have more flexibility in the way Eliminations are performed in Joiin.  You can choose to switch off eliminating with a flick of a switch, or you can choose to view only the eliminated accounts.

Security Updates 

Xero OAuth 2.0
We’ve made some big changes under the hood which will improve the robustness and performance and security of the Xero data connections.

2FA – remember device
Our 2 factor authentication has been improved – now your device is automatically remembered so you don’t have to re-authenticate each time.  You can choose to forget all devices at any time too.


Coming Soon

There’s more on the way – we’ve got some big new features coming to Joiin that we’ll be announcing shortly.