May 4th, 2023

See us at Accountex London 2023

We’re delighted to be at Accountex London 2023 at the ExCel Centre on Wednesday 10 May, where we also feature in an App Advisory Plus seminar on making the right software choices for your accounting firm and clients.

Accountex London 2023

We’re delighted to be at Accountex London 2023

Three of the team will attend the London ExCel centre on Wednesday 10 May 2022. So make sure to say hi to one of our co-founders, Lucien Wynn, our commercial director, Paul Shipway, and our customer success manager, Harry Symons.

Accountex London brings together over 250 top fintech companies and provides a CPD-accredited education programme. See software demos from big brands and the latest tech from cutting-edge start-ups like Joiin.

Catch our seminar with Will Farnell in the App Advisory theatre

Accountex London 2023 seminar on Making the right software choices for your firm and clients, featuring Paul Shipway from Joiin

Who pays for the beer: Making the right software choices for your firm and clients

DATE: Wednesday 10 May 2023
TIME: 3:00 pm – 3:45 pm
THEATRE: App Advisory (Theatre 9)


Will Farnell, Co-Founder & Founder, App Advisory Plus and Farnell Clarke
Paul Shipway, COO, Joiin
Emily Deakin, Cloud Accounts Specialist, Moore Growth
Ryan Pearcy, Director, Scrutton Bland

SUMMARY: Accounting and bookkeeping firms are facing unprecedented choices regarding software options. Even within single technology categories, the choice is overwhelming and still growing.

In this unique session, Will Farnell chats with a panel of practitioners and vendors to discuss the key decisions firms should consider when making software buying decisions.

Our panel will share top tips for selecting the right software and the right time to bring new software into your firm’s tech stack and share some of the mistakes made along the way.

As part of the discussion around top tips for firms, we will discuss the evolution of Product-Led Growth (PLG) and how it compares to traditional sales-led growth and the benefits to firms of partnering with technology businesses who are embracing this approach to growth and answer the key question… who is paying for the beer?!

Accountex London 2023 seminar on Making the right software choices for your firm and clients, featuring Paul Shipway from Joiin
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