July 22nd, 2024

New webinar series – Xero for Groups: The App Advantage

Are you wondering how other finance teams are using Xero for their group? Find out more in a series of six webinars, titled Xero for Groups: The App Advantage.

Graphic for the CFO Techstack webinar series - Xero for Groups: The App Advantage
04 May 2023
Accountex London 2023

See us at Accountex London 2023

We’re delighted to be at Accountex London 2023 at the ExCel Centre on Wednesday 10 May, where we also feature in an App Advisory Plus seminar on making the right software choices for your accounting firm and clients.

25 April 2023
Generate report packs and automated reporting for your clients within Joiin

Part 3: Five types of digital reporting

Part 3: Exploring five essential digital reporting types for accountants, we look at reports packs and automated reporting. These offer ways to get regular information to your clients, giving them the insights they need during this unsettling economic period.

20 April 2023
Graphic with screenshots showing images of business reports and a customised report within Joiin

Part 2: Five types of digital reporting

Part 2: This blog series explores five essential digital reporting types for accountants and how they can help make sense of these unsettling economic times. In part 2, the ease and convenience of off-the-shelf reports, plus reports you can customise to communicate a financial narrative.

05 April 2023
Joiin's KPI dashboard depicted on a desktop and mobile device

Part 1: Five types of digital reporting to make sense of these unsettling economic times

Part 1: This blog series explores five essential digital reporting types for accountants and how they can help make sense of these unsettling economic times. First up, at-a-glance dashboards.

04 April 2023
Watch the Joiin and App Advisory Plus webinar and key considerations when purchasing new accounting software

Watch the recent Joiin and App Advisory Plus webinar

In this unique ‘App of the Month’ webinar, alongside App Advisory Plus’s Will Farnell, Joiin’s Paul Shipway and Harry Symons discuss the key decisions firms should consider when buying new software.

07 March 2023
Joiin is App Advisory Plus's App of the Month for March 2023

We’re App of the Month

We’re delighted to be App Advisory Plus’s App of the Month for March 2023. Tune in to our joint webinar on 28 March to learn more about us and what we have to say about getting the right software for your practice.

06 March 2023
We're delighted to feature in March's XU Magazine with content on what you should expect more from your software

Catch us in March’s XU Magazine

We’re delighted to feature in this month’s XU Magazine. Read our extensive article – Expect more from your software – and explore our time-saving survey results highlighting what you can expect when using Joiin.

03 March 2023
Part 3 in our accounting technology trends series looks at product-led growth and what is means for you

Part 3: 3 accounting technology trends to watch

Part 3: In this blog series, part 1 looked at continued automation and part 2 examined how greater data insights drive better decision-making. Part 3 below explains product-led growth and what it means for you.

15 February 2023
Part 2 in our accounting technology trends series looks at greater data insights driving better decision making in practices

Part 2: 3 accounting technology trends to watch

Part 2: This blog series looks at 3 accounting technology trends to watch, what they mean for you and how our Joiin platform can help. Part 2 examines how more significant data insights drive better decision-making.